Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lent Blog 4: catching up

In theory, Lent blog post 4 should have been done yesterday, but at least I'm catching up with myself. Saturday was spent catching up with messages, paper, email and myself to be in some way ready for Sunday (today). It's amazing what accumulates when you're not really looking or concentrating.

I really envy those people who can naturally bring order to a desk / room / space which makes perfect sense and seems relatively effort-free to achieve. Tidiness for me requires large amounts of time, energy and brain power. Result: a desk which grows piles of paper, and things which haven't got a home or place to be stored. Management books on administration that say things about everything in its place just make me frustrated/guilty and give me a deep desire to throw stuff. Somehow if you haven't got the ability built into your 'hardware', it can't be programmed in afterwards.

Having said all that, Saturday included a desk-purging session which now means some wood grain is now visible again. Maybe that's an aim for Lent. A clear desk...
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