Friday, April 20, 2007

Thinking Blogger Award

As I mentioned before, Liz nominated me for this award. I now have to nominate 5 other blogs that make me think (in a kind of chain letter way). I've already mentioned some of these recently, but here goes:
  • Steve Tilley. Ok I know we're old friends, but he's always worth a read.
  • God's Politics - Sojourners, Jim Wallis plus Brian McLaren. Topical critique of contemporary society, and some pointers as to where the church might still thrive in the future.
  • Babymilk Action. If you want to carry on enjoying Nescafé, don't go here. This site covers the promotion of baby milk products in the developing world, where they are expensive and less safe than natural milk.
  • Bishop of Bristol. Thought provoking and sometimes outspoken (look at his comments on Trident!)
  • Ekklesia is a Christian think-tank, and runs a blog, which is structured a bit differently to blogger and similar. Good thought-provoking stuff on there, though.
I also like to pop in on the politcal blogs on the BBC website from time to time.


Steve Tilley said...

Sorry mate I already been got by Iain C

Mike Peatman said...

Can't you have 2?