Monday, December 11, 2006

Candles & Christmas

Just back from the College Christmas carol service. It's a bit of a sweat to pull together, but well worth it. Great atmosphere and the only lighting scheme that really works in my 1960s chapel. Loads of people there too, which is a plus. Well done to Steve Charman, my Methodist colleague who suggested the Nick Fawcett meditations. Result.

Tomorrow the Military Heritage Carols Service. Stay tuned.


Emma said...

The carol service is always a treat, and the meditations really worked well... even Matthew's suspicious northern accent!

Anonymous said...

The "suspicious northern" accent was not done on purpose! I don't know why it happened. But once I had realised it was too late of course!

Emma said...

That makes it even funnier! Sarah and I were having a chuckle nonetheless!

Mike Peatman said...

whereas my accent was a genuine bit of Nottingham. Couldn't do the full treatment without taking my dog collar out, however.

Emma said...

Noticed your Nottingham too, disappointed you didn't include 'duck' into the meditation...

Mike Peatman said...

Not in the script, and I didn't want Steve thinking I'd gone quackers.