
Thursday, September 06, 2007


Today we hosted a special service in chapel to mark the inauguration of the LCTP (which is an RTP) at UOC, which was a development of and replaces the CBDTI at SMC.

Index on request.

Interestingly the most catholic of the (4) bishops present proposed not robing, so they didn't.


  1. Anonymous8:57 am

    OK, I surrender! I get most of them, but what does LCTP stand for?

  2. just calling it st.martin's was much easier!!

  3. They should all be sent to the EAM (European Acronym Mountain) although technically it would be the EIM (European Initialism Mountain) a distinction which is lost on many but not on St the former editor of CYFA at CPAS.

  4. That's the Lancashire and Cumbria Theological Partnership (a Regional Theological Partnership) at the University of Cumbria, which replaces the Carlisle and Blackburn Diocesan Training Institute at St Martin's College. Probably got something wrong in all of that!

  5. Probably no need to robe if it wasn't an office or Eucharist.

    Part of me wants to say:

    "What?! No lace?!"
