Thursday, September 02, 2010

The Choc's in the Post

Some people might remember my brief flicker of fame when I won the Church Times caption competition. (subscribers can see the evidence here) Since the 4th June when this was announced, the Peatman household has been eagerly awaiting the legendary Divine chocolate prize. Sadly none arrived.

Concerned I decided to contact the Church Times, only to discover that my subscription had run out. Today I went to the website, subscribed, checked the contacts page and emailed to ask where my chocs had got to. To be fair, I received a swift reply from Edd, saying that it was ready to be posted tomorrow.

So, my prize will be on its way only 3 months after I won it, and only a day after I renewed my subscription and emailed to see what had happened. Someone more suspicious than me might think they had forgotten...

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