Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Enjoyed the end of the Today programme today, dealing with the 'simple' question: "Is God dead?" They had Profs Keith Ward, the theologian, and Peter Atkins to debate the point. It's funny hearing Prof Atkins, as I read chemistry at Oxford, so I went to his lectures on physical chemistry. (That's the physics of chemistry, not strenuous chemical experiments). I also own a book of his on the subject.

Peter Atkins is a remarkably confident and certain atheist, which I could respect in a weird sort of way, if it weren't for the fact that he comes across as so dogmatic. For him, all talk of God is vain superstition. In a funny sort of way, he has a lot in common with fundamentalists. There is just no room for argument or negotiation.

What was so striking was the way he bought into a dualist way of talking about God (although, of course there is nothing on one side of the dualism for him) For me, the reason the universe is in any sense comprehensible for the good Prof is proof enough of a rationality beyond and within it.

He would obviously disagree.


Anonymous said...

I came across your blog by complete accident just the other day and have been delighted to read through giving myself a perfect excuse to avoid doing work.

Its interesting to see how Mr. Blond(e)'s post-secular theology is creeping into your own. Go De Lubac!!!

Its also nice to see that your eclectic musical appreciation is in strong form - I now know that it is possible to list Athlete and Richard Thompson as two of your favourite musical acts. May God bless you richly Sir.

Mike Peatman said...

Great to hear from you, Chris. Keep in the conversation